Thanks to everyone who attended our sessions this year at the National Science Teachers Association conference! Our session materials are now available online.
If you have enjoyed our offerings of curriculum and teacher workshops, please check out Impact on Science Education, a network of projects similar to (and including) Project NEURON.
Wake Up Students with Actvities on the Genetics of Sleep Cycles
Friday, April 1
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Omni Nashville Hotel, Legends G
Explore free interactive Project NEURON activities on genetics and health, including a game about cutting-edge research on epigenetics and a student-driven investigative case study.
Hands-On Workshop; 9 - 12, College
A Practical Guide for Aligning Existing Materials to the NGSS: The EQuIP Rubric
Saturday April 2
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Omni Nashville Hotel, Legends G
Developers and teachers: Want to better align your curriculum to the NGSS? Gain experience and advice while evaluating an example lesson from Project NEURON.
Hands-On Workshop; 9-12, College
From Memorization to Modeling: Reconceptualizing Teaching about Cellular Division
Sunday April 3
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Music City Center, 103-A
Experience activities that use modeling to teach about cellular division, and leave with ideas for modifying curriculum materials to better meet the NGSS.
Hands-on Workshop; Grades 9 - 12